Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Space Ork Physiology

Another race from Warhammer, the Orks are described as being an integrated symbiotic organism, mixing 'genetic traits of both animal and fungal life forms'. According to the background, Orks (which have green skin) have algae that flows through their circulatory system and is a part of their digestive tract: apparently, the action of the algae to repair damaged tissue makes the Orks quite resilient. Orks are also reputed to reproduce via spores. These spores develop into cocoons which then hatch different organisms closely related to Orks—which organism develops depends on the conditions. Some of the other organisms are squigs (dog-sized, agressive and very bitey!), gretchin (smaller, weaker versions of Orks), snotlings (smaller, weaker versions of gretchin) or 'normal' fungi.

So, would this system be feasibly possible? I think that the release of spores is sensible, and possibly the differentiation between final organisms, but could spores develop into an animal-like creature? And could algae/fungi and animals exist as an integrated symbiotic organism?

Another feature of Orks is their 'genetic memory'. Apparently, Orks (who are not very bright, except when finding new ways to kill stuff) make up for their lack of intelligence by possessing some kind of genetic memory, allowing them to build all manner of destructive and dangerous devices. Incidentally, Orks are also said to create some kind of gestalt psychic field, although this is probably a discussion best left for another blog post....

Josh Harbort

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